When To See a Pediatrician

Is it time to call your child’s doctor?

Wondering when you may need to turn to our Jefferson City, MO, pediatricians Dr. Hildegard Emslander and Dr. Lora Folz for medical care? Kids will spend a lot of their early years in our office, regardless of whether they are sick or not. These visits allow us to monitor and track their health and development to keep them safe. Here are the top reasons to visit our pediatricians.

Newborn Wellness Check

About three to five days after you bring your newborn home from the hospital, you will bring them into our Jefferson City, MO, practice for their first checkup with our pediatricians. Newborn wellness checks are vital, as this establishes a baseline of health and allows us to monitor, record and track all developmental milestones. It also allows us to detect and treat health problems swiftly.

Well-Child Visits

Visiting the pediatrician isn’t just for sick visits. All children must see the pediatrician regularly for well-child checkups to ensure they stay healthy. While it’s true that newborns and infants will come in quite frequently for checkups, kids over the age of 3 should still come in once a year for a comprehensive checkup so we can monitor and check their health. It’s the best way to prevent diseases, disorders and injuries and catch diseases early on.

Sports Physicals

If your child is getting ready to gear up for sports season, they will need a sports physical first. This is usually done about six to eight weeks before the start of the season, and it allows us to assess your child’s health and ensure that they are healthy enough to play sports. This is different from a well-child checkup; the physical exam we perform in the well-child checkup can’t take the place of a sports physical. A sports physical is good for one school year.


Immunizations are a big part of keeping your child healthy and safe from harmful communicable diseases that could lead to long-term disability and complications. Most immunizations are given during your child’s normal well-child visits. Still, since many immunizations are offered in several doses spaced weeks apart, you may need to schedule their second or last dose between checkups. Not to worry; we’ve got you covered.

Nutritional Guidance

Getting your child to eat the foods they should be eating can be challenging. Suppose you are worried that your “picky eater” isn’t getting the proper nutrients they need. In that case, our Jefferson City, MO, pediatricians can provide tips, tricks and recommendations to help make eating healthier a little easier for you and your child.

Behavioral Problems

Bouncing off all the walls might happen if your child has too much sugar, or they may spend time daydreaming and not focused on homework. While these are normal behaviors that all kids will display at some point, if you find your child’s behaviors are causing problems at school, at home and amongst their peers, then you may want to have a behavioral assessment done by our Jefferson City, MO, pediatricians to find out what’s going on and how to best address these behavioral issues.

Are you looking for a pediatrician for your growing family in Jefferson City, MO? If so, call JC Peds at (573) 606-7337 to schedule your child’s next visit or a quick consultation with us to see if we’re an excellent fit for your family.

JC Peds, LLC

1705 Christy Dr. Suite 210,
Jefferson City, MO, 65101
Map & Directions

(573) 606-7337
(573) MØM-PEDS



7:00 am - 5:00 pm

7:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 1:00 pm 



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